Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Late Night

Here we are at Primary Children's. 1:30 in the morning. Jake's chemo started at 8:00. He's got one last dose of Mesna to go at 2:00 and then it's just peeing until we go home.

Apparently we're not sleeping tonight. Jake's a big Survivor fan so I bought him the DVD of Pearl Islands for this admission. He's decided he's going to watch the entire season before we go home in the morning. We're halfway through episode 7 now and neither one of us is feeling the least bit sleepy.

The bad news: His neuropathy definitely worsened this week after the 3/4 dose of Vincristine last week. He even has a sign on his door saying Falls Risk. So he only got a half dose today. I don't know if I need to start worrying about that or not. Something to ask the doctors.

The good news: He gained another 2 pounds this last week. And he's had no nausea at all.

Off to watch the 7th episode tribal council.

One thing about Survivor--lots of things that make me say "Things could be worse. At least I'm not (sleeping with hermit crabs, wearing the same clothes for a month, drinking blended octopus and bleeding clams)."


Melinda said...

I never got into Survivor, but if it keeps you happy, more power to you! I hope the neuropathy eases up soon. My MIL has issues with neuropathy because of her diabetes, and it wakes her up at night sometimes.

God bless!

annie said...

Hi Laura,

We have never met, but I wanted to write to let you know I am praying for your Jacob. I found your blog while researching the type of cancer he has. My son Daniel, at age 21 battled testicular cancer a year and a half ago. I understand in many ways what you are going through as a mother.

I read a lot from your blogs and came across the beautiful tribute to your mother Sandi. Jacob looks like her! My own sister Jody passed away from cancer just 10 days after you lost your mom, on September 30, 2006. That was the day after Daniel’s last chemo treatment, and such a difficult time. Then, my own mother passed away 9 months later. Daniel is in remission now.

You are a wonderful writer. Keep it up! I am an artist, so we share a love and gift for creativity. I will visit your blog of ‘Jacob’s Journey’ often, and like I said I will keep him and your whole family in my prayers.

Love, Annie LaPoint

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

LAURA said...

Melinda--The good part about watching Survivor on DVD is that we can fast-forward through the alliance/debating/emotional stuff and watch only the really good stuff (like seeing who can choke down blended bleeding clams!)

Annie--thank you for commenting. I love stories about those in remission! After my birthmother's death and having mono for most of last year, I thought that this year would be considerably easier. I really, truly must never think such things :) We appreciate your prayers--they're what keep us going.