Saturday, October 4, 2008

We Are Celebrating . . .

1. Weight Gain. (No, not mine.) Jake hit a milestone last night--he weighs 100 pounds. We haven't seen that number since January. At diagnosis he weighed 105. By the end of radiation, only ten weeks into treatment, he weighed 88. All that whole milk, red meat, and ice cream have finally paid off.

2. 7th Grade. Last week was parent-teacher conferences. Jake is doing wonderfully well--one B+, one A-, and six A grades. Not bad for any kid transitioning to middle school, but I can't help but be extra proud of how well he's doing considering the number of times he's had to miss for chemo and transfusions. Not to mention that he doesn't seem to suffering any cognitive deficits from the toxic drugs they've been giving him for 9 months.

3. Going, going, . . . nearly gone. Forty-eight hours from now, Jake will be in the midst of his last chemo treatment. It really ends. I guess. I'm not sure I believe it. I'll get back to you on that next week.


Jennifer said...

Best wishes to you this week with LAST CHEMO!!! Good job on the weight gain too. Sounds heavenly!

April said...

We are all celebrating with you.