Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally Photos

School has begun . . . and so has the celebrating.

I pause momentarily in my joy to bring you photographic proof of our recent vacation.

Matt with Miami in the background

Matt, Laura, Jake, and Emma in Nassau, Bahamas
Jake and Matt with the ship in the background

Jake doing his favorite thing--sitting still and eating

Emma, Spencer, and Jake in front of the water slide

Matt and Jake at dinner enjoying the entertainment

Almost all of us with St. Thomas in the background

Spencer and Emma at Camp Carnival

Laura in Marigot, the capitol of French St. Martin

Why get dressed to eat? Or use a table?

Yes, you can mini-golf

Emma and Spencer and their towel animal
(No, I don't know what sort of animal it's supposed to be)


Brooklyn said...

Great pictures! Your getaway looks like it was great fun!

Sherise said...

Holy cow, is that Matt? When did he get so adult-looking?

Unknown said...

Im glad at how Jake has gone through this bravely, and the lessons you have shared! You are always in our prayers,
Evelyn, Nairobi