Wednesday, July 16, 2008

And Also . . .

I once again proved my clumsiness.

(I know that was a post I wrote on my other blog, but I assume some of you read it--if not, I'm clumsy. There, that's the gist of it.)

I didn't walk into any hooks on the bathroom door this time. Probably because this bathroom door didn't have any. But I did draw blood.

As I pulled out the chair to turn it into a bed, I first managed to completely pull apart the bottom half of the chair. And then, when I was putting it back together, I dropped it on my right hand.

Blood ensued.

Fortunately, there are plenty of bandages in a hospital room.

But it was a child's hospital room, so I wore two bright blue crayon-shaped bandages until I got home yesterday and could change them.

What do you think I'll manage to do next time?


Bonnie said...

In the spirit of preparedness, BYOB (bring your own BandAids.) And don't forget the sun screen either. Have a wonderful, relaxing, stimulating too, cruise!

sharpest family said...

Ouch! You sound like my 2 year least you're already in the hospital though and we're not flying through the night trying to get you to the ER. Your bandaids sound ever so cute!