Tuesday, May 27, 2008

21 Down . . .

And 21 to go.

Today marked the halfway point of Jacob's chemo protocol. Week 21 out of 42--now we're on the downhill side!

Jake got the full dose of vincristine today, as he has the last two weeks. His grip is definitely weakening, but he still has decent fine motor control of his hands and he hasn't had any problems with his feet. We're walking the balance--assessing the neuropathy each week to see if the side effects are bad enough to risk a lower dose of vincristine. Right now they're not. Each week we evaluate anew.

To celebrate the day (and make up for the fact that I never did write a 12th birthday post for Jake), I've got some photos entitled:


1997--1st birthday


1999--with baby Emma

2000--my favorite picture ever

2001--graduating preschool

2002--Grandma and Grandpa Andersen's house

2003--and he can count

2004--Jake with Emma

2005--the ice cream cake that wouldn't cut


2007--with Matthew at Outback

1 comment:

sharpest family said...

I loved those pictures! What a cutie! I'm so glad it's 1/2 over! Hooray!